Amazon plays hardball — and puts the hurt on consumers


If the common Amazon-loving book purchasers were to go to the company’s website and intend to buy a book from the publishing house, Hachette, they’d discover everything from price increases to availability problems to deliberate road barricades to purchasing those titles.

The reason that Amazon is in a negotiation standoff with the publisher, which has the traces Grand Central Publishing; Orbit; and Little, Brown; among others.

A One-month war around e-book pricing currentlyhas dripped down to Hachette authors, and in probably a worrisome premonition for Amazon’s consumer’first reputation: book purchasers. There is no one-size-fits-all method to e-book’s pricing, and Amazon hammers out out models with publishers on a case-by-case foundation.

However, Amazon began a series of increasingly aggressive maneuvers to push the publisher to play by its principles and accept lower prices after pricing discussions fell through with Hachette. Not matter it is coincidence or not, the actions come at one time when Wall Street has put a magnifying glass to Amazon’s spending as the firm’s stock stumbles.

Amazon’s share have decreased from $407 apiece in late January to $312 each at market. Jeff Bezos, the CEO, established Amazon as an e-commerce juggernaut for the promise of always prioritizing the demands of the customer.

But at present, the firm is using customers’ inconvenience and discomfort as a bargaining chip to hammer out a more profitable situation for itself. For example, you can’t pre-order J.K. Rowling’s new novel “The Silkworm” if you want to.

Later Thursday Amazon states the book is not available, stripping the page of its order button.

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