Are you a common users of Wikipedia? The Wikipedia foundation recently releases a brand-new feature, which may be very useful for you, that is the page previews.
What’s page previews? It is able to enable users to previews a brief introduction about a link on the article, and the introduction consists of an image and a few words. When people’s cursor move on the link, the page preview will be popped up, so that people can get a quick and brief knowledge about the specific topic. In this way, people will no longer need to go back and forth between the current article and other associated tabs.
“Page previews, deployed today, is one of the largest changes to desktop Wikipedia made in recent years.” Wikimedia foundation said in its blog. And Wikimedia also conducts an A/B tests for this new feature, and the test shows that most of people do not disable this new feature, which means that it is useful for the users. When you visit a specific page on Wikimedia now, you can see and enjoy and new feature with ease.